Wednesday, August 31, 2005
today was a totally great and funnaye day.
i think aces day was fun this year.
yeah! hahah. its a pun. see my lit is so damn good k.
teacher's day was really really chaotic lah.
the staff room was damn crowded. :p
sc concert was okay. the stupid pillar was blocking me and aileen's view lah.
anyway after that met devi.
at the middle of the platform. ahhaha.
then yanglin was like at the passenger service. and xinyu and yvonne were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN LAH. the idiots dont know where they were waiting. anyway yvonne tan's stupid phone the batt went flat. stupid right.
anyway after that xinyu called. thank god okay. (:
yeah then we went on the MRT to amk.
hahah. the ride was fun we were playing with the pole. yayye hahaha.
then we were like lost. hahah. we didnt even pass it. then we had to walk back with xinyu's directory map. lol. dont know what she was thinking, bringing a MAP. cant believe it! ahaha.
but it came in useful ahhaha.
then we went canteen to sit and eat xinyu's nice potato chips.
and i cant believe yanglin's soprano! her voice is damn low lah.
she said she didnt need to go for auditions. just go in straight.
okay, i thought that firgures. ahhaha. im mean. (:

then then. after that ms lim suggested we go bowling.
then xinyu, yvonne, sinyee and i decided to go orchard or sth instead. at least that was the plan.
till when we were walking to the MRT station and this xinyu ass met her friend, and then she decided to go home with her. arrrrghhhhhhh. then we were like. lets dao her. hahahah.
but i dont care, xinyu's still a meano ass! hahaha.

so in the end we took taxi back to compass point. and went macs. then we met nisha!
nisha is so damn cute k. she's so funnaye. then i just felt like laughing.
then yvonne went to get her freaking ear sticks hahhaa. nisha gave some stupid suggestions. hahaha.
and after that we went to minitoons. and then we stood outside the shop to stone.
lol. hahahhaa. then after that we were standing on the bridge, and nisha was like im going that way. in the end we just stood there. lol. for a few minutes then we were like laughing again.
ahahha. then we went home! ahah. yvonne jaywalked back to her house, then sinyee and i went econ minimart. then i bought teenage.
cos sinyee flipped to a page with aaron in it! yayye. HAHAHA.
right anyway. i dont like what they say about aaron. even though it is true lah.
i took 32 minutes to blog!